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New Years Resolutions

By 1:28 PM , ,

Hello 2016! A new year means new beginnings, new adventures, new goals and aspirations, and new resolutions!
**I do not take credit for this photo, and unfortunately I do not know who the original source is**

For me, I cringe a little bit when people ask me what my new years resolutions are, because I know that no one really thinks that people can achieve these resolutions. Each year I (and pretty much everyone else) makes resolutions, but I (and, again, pretty much everyone else) doesn't follow through or can't achieve the goals for whatever reason.
This year I am determined to achieve at least some of these goals that I'm setting for myself. 2016 will be a monumental year for me because this is the year that I will graduate from college with two bachelors degrees, and start working in my first full-time post-grad position. I've always heard that telling other people your goals makes it harder to give them up, so that's what I'm going to do in this post.

Kate's Resolutions:

  • Draw more often -- and finally learn how to upload/finish it on my laptop
  • Finish my professional portfolio -- click here
  • Post regularly on this blog
  • Graduate from college
  • Obtain a full-time job in the merchandising/digital retailing industry after graduation
  • Take more photos of my daily life
  • Clean my apartment more often
  • Work out much more often -- create a plan for working out that I can actually stick to
  • Learn how to cook more healthy dishes, and cook more often
  • Purchase more professional, higher-quality clothing 
  • Cut the negative people out of my life -- focus on those who care about my success 
  • Try more new things -- new foods or experiences that I have been previously too reserved to try
  • Travel more and to new places 
  • Adopt a cat from an animal shelter (after graduation) 
  • Become more organized 

Comment below with some of your new years resolutions, or with any suggestions or comments! Thank you so much for reading my first post! 

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